Sunday, September 11, 2011

Reception[30th AG]

   Reception sucked, it started out getting food from the hotel and going to meps. we got to meps and they did a little screen to see if your at the Army weight and anything changed that they needed to know about. it lasted about 4.5 hours they, i looked at my contract and saw rank E-1???? im a E-3 i was so close not to sighing but we finally got it fixed,then we headed to the airport. the thing was i was already in GA so i had to wait for everyone to get here. lol it lasted 7 hours. we got to reception at 2300 tried, ready to eat and sleep. we had last min paper work and got to eat. we went to sleep at 0230 and woke up at 0400. we ate chow and got issued some stuff, pt shirts,pants gloves underwear stuff like that. ate chow at 1200. after that more stuff being issued. ate chow went to sleep.
    Next day we got acu uniforms and boots. the bag i had was heavy. we ate chow and got issued more stuff. the next day we got dental xrays, blood drown and blood test, testing for aids and TB and the peanut butter shot in your butt,that sucked.we ate chow and slept. days 4 was sunday it was relax day,in bct you don't do nothing on those days,go to church,pretty much eat and relax, we watched rambo 4 and the 5 thur 7 we had to do a 'changing of commands' of the reception. we would have been in bct on that Tuesday but that crap we had to do. i still had big fat blister all over my feet, 3 on my right and 2 on my left. and they were are infected. the day before shipping to bct we had to pack the ds at reception said we were carrying our laundry bags so put EVERYTHING in your ruck sack to put on the deuce. on the day of shipping my laundry detergent opened up everywhere in my laundry bag and got all over my ruck sack and it was a mess my blister were killing me.
     'GET YOUR ASSES UP TIME TO EAT AND LEAVE' ds woke us up saying this, we ate then picked up our stuff and got in our platoon formation. we left by platoon we had to carry our rucks sack and put our laundry bag on the deuce. we then march 2 miles to our CTA area. blister were killing me so much i wanted to quit. we got there and were getting yelled at  to get our bags and run to our platoon formation. we got yelled at some more then were told to go to the platoon bay. we had to stand for 3 hours just listening to our DS talk about how good his last cycle was. then we went to bct chow. the first day was almost over, we ate again and were told to make our bunks. more to come

Saturday, August 27, 2011

made it to AIT

it was a crazy 10 weeks, i had blisters on my feet for 6 weeks in bct and failed pt test after pt test and finished strong at the end. AIT is not very hard but you at least get your phone and drink power-aid and eat like champions. lol ill up date more later with tips and trick to make bct easier. hooah

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 day's to go.

       I'm very excited about this, it was hell getting here and will be hell getting thur basic but I'm ready for it. my push ups are not where i want them to be and my sit ups too but im close to passing so i feel good about them. my running feels good last future soldier training we ran a mile and a half and i kept up with the SF[special forces candidate] guy and recruiter. running not really a problem, my push ups endurance is lacking but ill give it all i got next week and hope for the best.
       My weigh is not where i really want it, my Army max weigh is 168 but i wake up sometime between 167-169 so i need to run my ass off and eat salad everyday. If i could get it around 165, ill be ok. i had a birthday 3 days ago and pigged out lol. nothing much really happened scene the last post. 10 days left and feel strong. Hooah 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Another Baseball game.

This time it wasn't a Atlanta braves game at Turner field but this was at cool-ray field lawrenceville GA. this game was not as fun as the turner field one but the fire works show was good. before we left to leave to game we stopped at a Mexican restaurant, i haven't ate at a Mexican restaurant in a while then after the game we stopped at McDonald and got a mic-flurry lol but you have to enjoy the little things in life. Some pictures below. 17 days to go.
we were the first row, like i could have jump over there and snatched a ball.

yeah we were really close.

idk i like jk, this lady put her feet up right when i took a picture.

its a small field.

Another 1-1-1 PT test.

I took another 1-1-1 pt test and i did good on it. I did 37 push ups and 31 sit ups in 1 min but i ran 1 mile in 8:17, my run time increased, i had no energy to run[it was 90 degrees outside]  BUT i came in first in the 1 mile run lol that never happened to me. . last time i did 29 push ups and 27 sit ups and 8:04. i passed both times and i took this pt test within 30 days so i don't have to take it again. i feel ready now more then ever now, my sit ups are were i want them to be, my push ups are kind of were i want them to be but my running need a little more improvement. I'm going to start running on a track from now on, i hate running on the concrete plus i put in at-least over 50 miles on the same route i run so it gets boring. I talked to my recruiter about taking the 2-2-2 and he said it would not benefit me because im already going in as a E3[PFC] and it would be just a waste of time but im taking another 1-1-1 before i ship so i can see where my run time is and see how much i improved.  17 more days to go. Hooah

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

MAY 2,2011

'On April 29, 2011, U.S. President Barack Obama authorized a raid on bin Laden's suspected location near Abbottabad, Pakistan. It wasn't until the early morning of May 2 (due to weather and time considerations) that the operation was successfully carried out by U.S. Navy SEALs with intelligence support from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Towards the end of the raid, bin Laden was fatally shot in the head and chest. The entire raid, including intelligence sweeps of the compound, was completed in less than 40 minutes. His body was taken into custody, and facial recognition tests were performed Later, genetic testing further supported bin Laden's identification. Within 24 hours of his death, bin Laden's body was taken out to sea for burial.' The fucker is finally dead hell yeah. when confirmed picture videos of his death pop up i will post them.         
Last weekend i went to the braves game with some friends[some pictures down below], the Braves lost but it was fun.  Back to the issues ahead, my Running endurance increased[i feel it], not worried about that, my sit ups reps increased every week but my push ups are not improving like i want them to.I don't know why their not improving but i'm just going to let the Drill sergeants 'help' with that. My weight is still not under the Army weight standards, i had to put some hangout time with some family members on hold for now. Every Army goal i set in my mind was achieved but the getting under the weight standards and my push ups reps. 27 more days to go before i'm a stronger man.Hooah [i tried to take more pictures but they got packed and real quick so i would be taking picture of the back of people heads]lol
this is the Tuner Field

this the other picture i took.

i went to hooters with one of my friend for his Birthday.

yeah it the big ass tv they got there. lol

Monday, April 25, 2011

Perparing for the 2-2-2 PT test.

     I passed the 1-1-1 PT test, witch is a joke and now i have plans on taking the 2-2-2. I have 3 weeks to work on everything i feel i can pass it. My new workout routine is way more intense then my other routines. my new work out routine
Monday-weighted push ups 25 reps/4 sets[10 pounds],incline push ups 20 reps.4 sets.40 set ups/6 sets. flutter kicks 200 count. leg raises 200 count and run 2 miles.
Tuesday-weights day. bench press stuff like that.jump rope 5 rd 3 minutes a round heavy bag training 6 rds with 3 mins each rd [i used to box]
Wednesday-regular push ups 10 reps with 30 sec rest 10 sets. 25 sit ups with 1 min rest with 3 sets. run 2 miles.
Thursday-Future soldier training. flutter kicks 150 count, leg raises 150 count.
Friday- weights day. jump rope  sames as Tuesday.
Saturday-run 2.5 miles,push ups max out, 25 reps/ 5 sets with one min rest.40 sit ups/5 sets with 2 min rest. Next week i'll increase everything. 35 days and a wake up.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lets talk about the ASVAB.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery  is the entrance test to enlist in the US Military. You can't enlist in the US Military without taking the ASVAB.The ASVAB contains nine separately timed sub-tests.
1.General Science (GS) - 25 questions concerning general high school-level science (biology, chemestry, physics, environmental science, astronomy, ect.) with an 11 minute time-limit.
2. Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) - 30 math word problems with a 36 minute time-limit.
3.Word Knowledge (WK) - 35 question vocabulary test, with an 11 minute time-limit.
4. Paragraph Comprehension (PC) - 15 reading comprehension questions with a 13 minute time-limit.
5. Auto & Shop (AS) - 25 questions about principles of automobiles and recognition of common tools, with an 11 minute time-limit.
6. Mathematics Knowledge (MK) - 25 math questions with a 24 minute time-limit.
7. Mechanical Comprehension (MC) - 25 questions concerning mechanical principles, with a 19 minute time-limit.
8. Electronics Information (EI) - 20 questions about basic electronics, with a 9 minute time-limit.
9.Assembling Objects (AS) - 16 questions, which measure your ability with spatial relationships, with a 9 minute time-limit.
    Most people that take this test fail it. I am one of them. If your one of them, don't feel dumb it is not a IQ test. The AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score is the most important ASVAB score, because it determines whether you can join the military service of your choice. Many people think the AFQT score is the overall ASVAB score, but that's not correct. In fact, the AFQT score is derived from only four of the nine ASVAB sub-tests: Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Word Knowledge (WK), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), and Arithmetic Reasoning (AR). Pretty much if you do well in these parts you'll have a good score, the other part are just to bring up other scores.
    My experience with the ASVAB, its just goes over everything you learned in high school, Mostly i slept in high school and skipped class. I just smooth talked most of my teachers or was very nice to them to pass me lol. has some good sub-test but  it didn't help that much. I  used a online tutor called you have to pay for it[it is wroth it]. my second score of the ASVAB AFQT was a 28 it jumped to 41 the third time so it does work. I over heard some Recruiter talking and heard one say 'this is the hardest thing for getting in the Military' i think he was kidding. If you want something you will have to work for it, you can do anything if you set your mind to it and i proved it. 38 days and a wake up.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

First PT test.

My first Army PT test i took the 1-1-1[13 push ups, 17 sit ups and run one mile in 8:30 is the minimum] i did 29 push ups,27 sit ups and ran one mile in 8:04. I was disappointed at my push ups because i max out at 38 two days ago but i did work out hard a day before the test. The sit ups i was happy with and my run was ok it could have been better. I'm shooting for 45 push ups, 35 sit ups and 7:40 one mile run. the next PT test is in three weeks. after that i might take the 2-2-2. To pass the 2-2-2 you need to do 35 push ups, 47 sit ups and run 2 miles in 16:35.