Friday, April 22, 2011

Lets talk about the ASVAB.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery  is the entrance test to enlist in the US Military. You can't enlist in the US Military without taking the ASVAB.The ASVAB contains nine separately timed sub-tests.
1.General Science (GS) - 25 questions concerning general high school-level science (biology, chemestry, physics, environmental science, astronomy, ect.) with an 11 minute time-limit.
2. Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) - 30 math word problems with a 36 minute time-limit.
3.Word Knowledge (WK) - 35 question vocabulary test, with an 11 minute time-limit.
4. Paragraph Comprehension (PC) - 15 reading comprehension questions with a 13 minute time-limit.
5. Auto & Shop (AS) - 25 questions about principles of automobiles and recognition of common tools, with an 11 minute time-limit.
6. Mathematics Knowledge (MK) - 25 math questions with a 24 minute time-limit.
7. Mechanical Comprehension (MC) - 25 questions concerning mechanical principles, with a 19 minute time-limit.
8. Electronics Information (EI) - 20 questions about basic electronics, with a 9 minute time-limit.
9.Assembling Objects (AS) - 16 questions, which measure your ability with spatial relationships, with a 9 minute time-limit.
    Most people that take this test fail it. I am one of them. If your one of them, don't feel dumb it is not a IQ test. The AFQT (Armed Forces Qualification Test) score is the most important ASVAB score, because it determines whether you can join the military service of your choice. Many people think the AFQT score is the overall ASVAB score, but that's not correct. In fact, the AFQT score is derived from only four of the nine ASVAB sub-tests: Paragraph Comprehension (PC), Word Knowledge (WK), Mathematics Knowledge (MK), and Arithmetic Reasoning (AR). Pretty much if you do well in these parts you'll have a good score, the other part are just to bring up other scores.
    My experience with the ASVAB, its just goes over everything you learned in high school, Mostly i slept in high school and skipped class. I just smooth talked most of my teachers or was very nice to them to pass me lol. has some good sub-test but  it didn't help that much. I  used a online tutor called you have to pay for it[it is wroth it]. my second score of the ASVAB AFQT was a 28 it jumped to 41 the third time so it does work. I over heard some Recruiter talking and heard one say 'this is the hardest thing for getting in the Military' i think he was kidding. If you want something you will have to work for it, you can do anything if you set your mind to it and i proved it. 38 days and a wake up.

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